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This is Galactic Federation of Worlds Official Extraterrestrial Disclosure. The Galactic Federation is working with the United States, China and Israel. There has been a longstanding benevolent relationship between the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the United States of America and Israel. The objective reality is that the first three countries that are working with the Galactic Federation of Worlds are Israel, China and the United States of America.

“Becoming your best, achieving excellence and working hard. Welcome to the Galactic Federation.” – Galactic Federation

This operation is being maintained by the coordination of Galactic Federation Military and parts of the Earth Military working with the Galactic Federation. Do not interfere; all individuals on any part of this planet who interfere will be prosecuted.

Galactic Federation Official Disclosure Timeline (ce5.network)

The largest part of extraterrestrial disclosure is preparing for benevolent ET technologies that will provide free energy, space travel, better housing, protection, item creation, healing, communication and spiritual growth. We are joining the Galactic Community.

Disclosure is underway, and if you interfere you can get criminally charged. Prosecution looks like concentration camps shortly.

Steven Greer on limb regeneration technology. This is the technology I want you to have and I am in the process of trying to get out to you.

Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer on the credibility of Steven Greer

Free Energy on the Horizon

Read here: https://www.nt-tao.com/ (supported by Dr. Eyal Hulata, Former Israeli National Security Advisor)

Read here: https://www.helionenergy.com/ (supported by Sam Altman)

The Chinese Paradox – China will bring your cost of living to zero the fastest

If you would like to live for free and have a zero cost of living China will get it here the faster do not sleep on Asian technology. China believes Israel are the chosen people.

The image below shows you how electric vehicle technology was held from you illegally by the oil industry for over 100 years; the oil industry will be criminally charged for illegally hiding and suppressing this technology. The oil industry needs to be shut down immediately. There is zero reason to have the oil industry around on this planet.

Read here: https://sg.byd.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/STE-updated-T3-Brochure.pdf

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This site contains graphic content, Ages 21+ recommended. This site is not for children.

This site is a Galactic Federation Benevolent Peaceful Extraterrestrial Earth ground operation improving Civilian Intelligence and Civil Rights. The most advanced extraterrestrials in the universe are on the ground across the planet using advanced telekinetic abilities to keep people safe. The ET’s here on planet earth look just like humans. Please do not interfere, copy or reproduce this site and corresponding work. This work involves off-planet military clearances and is being directed by Galactic Federation Off-Planet Personnel.

This site and individuals belonging to it are independent. This is not connected to the CE5 community. Interfering with this work will result in off-planet military intervention and Galactic Federation intervention. This operation is involved with the highest levels of the Galactic Federation.

Thousands of individuals use Astral Projection to interfere with this operation daily. You go into Galactic Federation Quantum Databases, if you do this to be processed at a later time. Do not interfere.

This site is the center of Galactic Federation operations on planet earth. We are preparing for public extraterrestrial disclosure, Galactic Federation technologies being released to the public and working with nearby benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations. The Galactic Federation goes to great lengths to protect and keep this operation alive. There are Galactic Federation extraterrestrials that live near, protect and monitor this operation. If you interfere you will be killed; zero exceptions, this includes psychic interference. Everything is going into the direction of space and/or will be affected by Galactic Federation extraterrestrials very shortly; zero exceptions.

Intel # 551 – Understanding Whistleblowing


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Ben Rich working for Lockheed Martin which cooperates with the CIA told you they have Space Ships and ET Technology that are interstellar now. It is time to end the Elysium Situation Now.

BREAKING NEWS: Proof that Defense Contractors hold functional alien crafts: https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/jeremy-corbell-affirms-us-government-and-defense-contractors-hold-multiple-undamaged-functional-non-human-craft

READ HERE: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/us-military-faction-has-used-alien-tech-according-to-ufo-expert/ar-AA1n8xYw

Paul Theodore Hellyer (Former Canadian Minister of Defense) confirming the existence of the Galactic Federation

Steven Greer – The Father of ET Disclosure

Homepage – Dr. Steven Greer (siriusdisclosure.com)

Steven Greer, the person that started my trajectory in the ET subject matter. One of first people in the disclosure movement and creator of the CE5 protocols. He has been in the disclosure community for a long time and has a proven track record of credibility. Also the organizer of the 2001 National Press Club Event regarding extraterrestrial disclosure. Most importantly Steven Greer advised some of the biggest Extraterrestrial Whistleblowers this planet has seen. Thank you for your continual support pushing the Disclosure Community to its limits. Thank you to Steven Greer for doing everything you have done for the disclosure community. The world is a much better place because of your contributions. Thank you for your relentless contributions, hard work and determination to bring disclosure to the public. 3 people from my team, including ex-CIA director, were assassinated – Steven Greer with RT SophieCo

The 2023 National Press Club Event is being held on Monday June 12th 2023 available here:

Steven Greer’s Latest Film The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It is Available Here:


The 2001 National Press Club Event is available here:

Checkout Steven Greer’s Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Film here:

Stream Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact has Begun – Starring Dr. Steven Greer (geni.us)

The full Sirius Film from Steven Greer Is Available Here:

Julian Assange on the Reality

I am choosing to go down a different path for disclosure. Listen to Julian; however I will take it further and say Julian is a bit naive. We are fighting government and regressive control wrapped into everything that does not want to die. We live among a lot of benevolent aliens; the previous ET methods of disclosure and intervention have not been working because of who we are fighting. I am being realistic right now; everyone needs to be anti-government and in support of relying on the benevolent aliens that live among us. Disclosure is going against everything. That is how it will happen. People that break rules and go against what they are involved with get disclosure done; get that through your head. For these videos below; take them at face value. I am anti-everything government. There is government and regressive control into a lot of the ET subject matter. I rely on benevolent aliens living among us every day; as should you.

The ETs Among Us

“When that truth of alien intervention in our planet’s affairs and our ongoing contact with an alien culture is finally revealed, it won’t be frightening even though it will be a shock.” – Col. Philip J. Corso, former member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council.

All that I know is that I work with the benevolent aliens among us.

Other Disclosure Videos

Robert Dean

Robert Dean The UFO Coverup Part 1

Robert Dean The UFO Coverup Part 2

Robert Dean UFO Conference 2011 Part 1

Robert Dean UFO Conference 2011 Part 2

Haim Eshed former Israeli Space Security Chief on the United States and Israel Working With the Galactic Federation. Haim Eshed revealed to the public that Donald Trump was going to do the Galactic Federation Reveal.

Haim Eshed also made statements that mirrored what Paul Hellyer came out with. Haim Eshed also wrote a book available here The Universe Beyond the Horizon. Book synopsis: “Haim Eshed, who is a professor and former general, claims Israel and the United States have been dealing with an extraterrestrial organization known as the ‘Galactic Federation’ for ages. Haim Eshed revealed to the public that Donald Trump was going to do the Galactic Federation reveal.

Read here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haim_Eshed

Read here: https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/donald-trumps-legacy-in-israel

Israel working on free energy: https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Energy/Honda-backed-Israeli-startup-to-use-nuclear-fusion-to-power-EVs

I disagree with the video below in regards to Reptilians.

Important Information

Important Resources – CE5.Network


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Signal App

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Financial Alternatives are important when the current economic infrastructure only supports one way of thinking. Paypal, GoFundMe come to mind as not supporting diversity of thought. Use a stable crypto currency for short term donations.

*Coming soon.*

Dark Web

The Dark Web. First and foremost navigate with caution. Read here first. The dark web can be a useful tool when used with caution. There are some risks. Just like navigating the “regular internet”.

  • Place to find alternative opinions and fresh perspectives.
  • Wealth of information for free not available on “regular internet”.
  • Whistleblowing.
  • Great information resources at your finger tips. (Check out Imperial Library).

Tor – Program to browse dark web.
The Dark Web
– Intro to dark web.

Tor. Allows you to explore the internet without tracking and surveillance. Also allows you to view .onion links which are dark web sites. Links available here: Hidden Wiki- 100+ Active Dark Web Links 2023-TheHidden.wiki