100 Actionable Items

1. Love is the highest vibration! Love is unconditional!

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

When you can move mountains with love and positive intention; you have power.

Love heals, love brings in energy, love is the biggest phone call you can make to the universe, love is universal. Love effects those around you.

One of the main intentions of this site is love and positive transformation.

As a reminder; sometimes love is tough. We have to do things that are aggressive to protect people and to fix this planet.

2. Understanding how bad our media is. #defundthemedia

Marc Bernays Randolph (born April 29, 1958) is an American tech entrepreneur, advisor and speaker. He is the co-founder and first CEO of Netflix.

Randolph was born to a Jewish family in Chappaqua, New York, the eldest child of Stephen Bernays Randolph (Author of Propaganda), an Austrian-born nuclear engineer, and Muriel Lipchik of Brooklyn, New York. One of Randolph’s paternal great-granduncles was psychoanalysis pioneer Sigmund Freud.

3. EMF Exposure Is a Real thing

The devices that we use daily emit harmful frequencies which can negatively impact the human body. Educate yourself and find ways to reduce EMF exposure. You can do research and see that there is clearly a concern about EMF exposure and how it relates human health. Any organizational body that claims there isn’t a negative effect from EMF exposure on the human body tends to be representing the best interest of telecommunications companies. The biggest thing you can do is do take a break from EMF exposure by eliminating all sources of EMF’s and see how you feel.

4. Shifting into “Service to Others”

All systems that are service to self are going to collapse into nothing; this is inevitable. Whether it is a trillion dollar medical establishment, pharmaceutical company, big industrial complex or etc. if it is not operating for the benefit of humanity it will fade away into zero – mark my words – please. New platforms, technologies, collectives and paradigms are waiting to be ushered in that reflect the “service to others” paradigm which is in alignment with a positive shift in consciousness.

5. “Fake News?” – CIA Operation Mockingbird – Is it time to unplug from the mainstream news?

Controlling public opinion using mass media? That sounds pretty plausible for the CIA right? But whether or not it really happened is still under debate.

According to some, Operation Mockingbird was a huge program run by the CIA from the 1950s which sought to influence the news media for propaganda purposes. It’s alleged that the CIA funded multiple publications and magazines as front organizations to achieve this and they may have controlled as many as 25 major magazines at the time.

*New documents from a 2021 FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Request provide credence to the fact that Project Mockingbird did in fact go on. These are available at the link below (black vault). Not all of the documents on Project Mockingbird have been made public.



6. Water Pollutants – Time to Distill and Remineralize your water

7. Removing Ourselves from the old systems

Part of moving into new holistic service-to-others systems requires us to break free from service-to-self systems that poison the public, put cyclical redundant profit streams first and keep us unhealthy. You can’t expect them to go away if you still support them.

8. Organic

‘Disturbing’: Glyphosate <Monsanto/Bayer>  tied to cancer found in 80% of US urine samples

Did you know food can be grown without pesticides which often cause carcinogenic and immune disrupting effects.

One of the most important dietary changes you can make is going organic and putting yourself in the food preparation process.

9. The Dark Side of Disney

-Disney has been caught openly pushing certain agendas in their content.

-Disney has recently created Satanic themes in some of their content.

-They have had repeated problems within their company for many years with child endangerment.

-Disney has a lot of work to do; before I ever trust them again with appropriate content for children.

10. Off Grid

-Going off grid is a great way to separate ourselves from the systems in which we depend on.

-If we can’t be self reliant when those systems inevitably collapse; who are we supposed to rely on.

-At the most basic level every human should know how to do the basics.

-Off grid is a great way to return to nature, grow your own food, be sustainable and learn a lot of valuable skills which will remain with you for the rest of your life.

11. We have angels here. We just have to learn to use them.

-Develop a close relationship with your guides. Ask questions, use intention, use energy discernment and take your time. Positive intention, taking your time and educating yourself go the farthest.

12. Is the Military Running the Government? Never. Benevolent aliens are.

If the eventual goal is working with benevolent ETs would the only option be for the military to run the government? No. Benevolent aliens are.

13. Understanding what God is, how we separated ourselves from God and getting back to God.

  • “God is a universal energy, not a person,” “It’s in everything. God talks to people and they understand it in different ways.”

  • “Spirituality – does not come from religion. It comes from our soul. We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations, and rituals created by humans, which were supposed to help people spiritually. Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive and a tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, pure and original as given by the Most High. Spirituality is a network linking us to the Most High, the universe, and each other.”

  • Ultimately external forces and human imperfection led to the prevalence of obstructions between humans and God. However, we are entering the era where humans can recognize that God is real and God’s work is able to shine through like never before.

  • Getting back to God is easy; just join team God. It’s only going to get easier. Finding God doesn’t have to fit a certain paradigm or category. It could be as simple as recognizing that there is a divine greater intelligence based in love that has a plan for everyone. For me God means the energy and order in everything along with the divine plan, and Jesus means someone volunteered to come to this planet to make a positive difference. I think there are a lot more volunteers on earth than we think.

14. Are Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Google Intelligence Agency Programs? – Used by the FBI/CIA to sway public opinion.
“Unlike Peiter “Mudge” Zatko — a Twitter whistleblower who did not mention the word “bots” or “spam” a single time during his two-and-a-half hour Congressional testimony in September — the potential second tipster would focus on an alleged internal study concluding that the site’s bot problem is much larger than Twitter has acknowledged.

The would-be whistleblower, a former Twitter employee, claims to have been involved in an internal report several years ago that supposedly concluded that at least 30% of Twitter’s daily active users are automated spam accounts.

“Twitter execs laughed when they were told about the report and said, ‘We have always had a bot problem,’” the potential whistleblower said in an interview with The Post.” – https://nypost.com/2022/10/03/second-twitter-whistleblower-could-appear-at-elon-musk-trial/

If Twitter is essentially run by insecure tech nerds shaping the collective consciousness; what does that mean for the rest of silicon valley. Probably not good, right. This is a de-advertisement for big tech. Let’s switch to service to others based platforms.

15. Determining reality

In the spiritual universe that is held together by thought all you have is your thoughts, experiences, words, actions and intention. Everything else is just background music and temporary.

16. Bringing Light into the world

-The lightworker mission.

17. God speaks through you.

If you have positive intention you will be surprised at what may come through. If you take this seriously the doors that can open are incredible. Numerology, synchronicities, energetic downloads, important messages, codes and etc. go really deep. That is why individuals like Nikola Tesla were so interested in numbers and what the numbers were trying to tell him.

18. Finding a balance between science and shifting inward to the heart.

If we want to understand how time travel works and understand dimensions we need to understand that science going forward is never going away. But we can find a balance between the science of consciousness/spirituality and shifting inward towards the heart space. When the Andromedans or Arcturians shift from the 6th dimension to the 3rd/4th dimension; there is a science that facilitates that. Moving forward we need to respect the fact that having universal interpretations of scientific concepts in consciousness is extremely important but it doesn’t mean we can’t shift towards the heart space at the same time.

19. Make/grow your Own Food

-Being connected to the processes behind the food we consume allows us to see how it is created, what goes in it and helps us to keep out toxic chemicals from our foods.

-Also home grown food will likely have better vibrations because more love went into growing it. There are studies that show plants grow faster when hearing loving messages and positive music; research that and check it out. —> It’s True—You Really Should Talk to Your Plants

20. Not participating in subconscious programming

-Masks, vaccines, empty hashtags, polarizing ideas/movements, division, limiting mental concepts etc.

-Anything that disempowers people, makes presumptions or strips people of their God given rights.

21. Switching from Victim Mentality to Empowerment

Powerful people need to switch their mindset to claim their power.

If you believe you are a victim, you will become a victim. Don’t let other people make you the victim.

There are a plethora of industries (trillion dollar industries) that capitalize on victimhood and make money off of it; we need to shift away from those aggressively.

Claim your power -> Do good things -> Help other people claim their power -> Pay it forward.

22. Recognizing excellence

There is nothing wrong with recognizing excellence. Recognizing excellence means you have an ability to put your ego in place (if somebody is better than you at something being able to recognize that) which results in the best outcomes for everyone. We all win when we learn from the best and become better. Recognizing excellence also raises the bar; let’s live on a planet where the bar is high – stronger, better, happier, more beautiful people.

23. Constructive Criticism

In the same way you might have an ego death from higher energies; it’s important to accept and take constructive criticism. As more and more individuals come into the spiritual space trying to import restrictive, abusive and destructive paradigms; we are going to call it out, expect some constructive criticism or scrutiny. Some higher energies voice their concerns and frustrations of others through people engaging in energy work. Spirituality and consciousness is an extremely vulnerable space; and many people over the years have been showing no regard for universal law. Many people voice concern and scrutiny to protect innocent individuals. However; we shouldn’t play into division and drama.

24. Cutting out refined sugar from Our Diet

  • Raw sugar feeds cancer cells and spikes blood sugar.

  • Increases acidity in the body which contributes to an environment more suitable for cancer.

  • Certain organic/natural forms of sugar are better.

25. Switching to whole foods

The whole foods paradigm represents trying to eat food in its most raw live form, highest energy and least amount of processing to receive the most benefits. Some foods like beans, potatoes and harder to digest foods need to be cooked to inactivate lectins and so forth. However if food is highly processed it can lose a lot of its nutritional value. Do your research; not all food is safe to eat raw however when you can raw live food is very good.

26. Getting Help Through Higher Consciousness Development**

Understand that through higher consciousness development you can receive help but you need to understand if that help has your best interest. Does that help represent sovereignty. Does that help want you to control other people, manipulate other people, limit other people or hurt other people. Or is that help in alignment with higher consciousness development (what does that look like), universal law, bringing light into the world and the collective fulfillment/free will of all. If you are on that spiritual path you are performing for an audience of one, God. My relationship with higher energies work both ways; if I want the truth to flow through me I must speak the truth and my truth at all times unfiltered. If you can handle the truth lets talk; that is what I work towards.

27. Recognize that a lot of positive things happened in 2022

-Gold backed currencies laws signed into place in the United States

-Georgia Guidestones were destroyed

28. We have the power to heal

-Time to separate ourselves from healing methods that rely on something external.

-Diet, energetic environment, exposure to EMF, quality of water we consume, organic food

-time in nature, sunlight, breathwork, exercise, balance, yoga, qigong, tai chi etc.

-distilling our water.

29. Exercise

-Exercise has a host of benefits on the physical body.

-One of the biggest benefits of exercise is grounding. Which means anchoring yourself to Gaia. If you spent all day meditating, higher consciousness, exercising imagination, spiritual work etc.; you wouldn’t be able to manifest things into your surrounding reality.

30. Respect Free Will

-This is complicated however everyone should be working towards free will for all. Free will ultimately means that everyone can make fair, educated and informed decisions without coercion. That’s the planet we are moving towards.

31. The Power of Thought

Fractals, sacred geometry, meditation, programming water with healing messages, reiki and energy work are all examples of the power of thought. The fabric of our entire reality is thought. Those who master thought; master the universe.

32. The collective consciousness

Everyone has an ability to connect to source/god/divinity and pull that energy into the grid of consciousness on earth via rooting yourself into Gaia. The earth is a collective consciousness and in the very near future contributing to the grid positively will be on the radar of everyone publicly. When we realize that our collective health and well being are directly interrelated to how we feel it will become very important to make sure everyone is thriving and feeling optimally to optimize the collective consciousness on earth. “We are plugged into each other whether we like it or not.”

33. Chase your divine path.

-Set the intention, have faith in God, try to discern energy, slow down, protect yourself, don’t let someone separate you from your connection to God, it’s very easy to connect to your higher self. See where it takes you.

34. Telepathy, psychic ability and more coming soon

-Just like how Dogs and Cats seem to sense things seconds before they happen like earth quakes, emergencies and people arriving (research this); we all have innate abilities. Check out the resources page on this site to develop these. Why do animals seem to have such good intuition; what unlocks their potential?

35. Don’t eat bugs.

-If that is your free will choice that you have genuinely came to on your own, that’s cool.
-Don’t let others force you into eating bugs or don’t force others to eat bugs. That is messed up.
-I would equate eating bugs to being complicit in a satanic ritual. There is no benefit to eating bugs. There is no environmental benefit of eating bugs. There is no cost benefit of eating bugs. Grow your own food; buy organic food, treat the food you consume like it is an extension of your own consciousness which it is. All life is sentient.

36. Have respect for yourself.

-Align yourself with individuals that respect you and that will go along way.

-It’s easy.

-There are a lot of contrived rituals and programs in society that exist; which people voluntarily give their power away to. Gender pronouns’, government control, forced speech, political correctness, emotional leverage, satanic symbolism, trauma based mind control, hypnotic programming in music/media, etc.

37. Make Responsible Decisions

Realize that people have come before you and have made mistakes to help others have a smoother path. There is nothing wrong with avoiding obstacles that could screw your life up significantly. Your guides will find lessons for you along the way; don’t worry.

38. Realize there are two paths <Upward spiral and downward spiral>

Gaia wants to go into 5th dimensional consciousness. We always seem to be so honed in on when Terrans are ready; the most important part of it all is when Gaia is ready. Gaia is waking up and we are waking up with her into the direction of 5th dimensional consciousness (we might not be ready for open extraterrestrial contact but when Gaia decides to move into a higher dimensional consciousness we don’t have a choice). We are like fleas on a dog here and its only a matter of time before Gaia gets a second wind and wants to get back into harmony; because we are not living in harmony with Gaia. There are two paths forward for everyone on earth.

Upward spiral

  • Facing karma. If the result of what you do heals people; you will receive healing. If you are a doctor and the medication that you give all your patients makes them sick; then you’ll you have to experience the collective suffering of all of that. That’s how karma works. Reincarnation (evidence provided on this site) is not only about soul evolution but karmic cycles. Make sure what you are doing is in positive alignment. There is a very real dark side of karma. There are Kings who made dozens of people blind who had to reincarnate as a blind person for the purposes of karmic cycles. I know how severe karma is; I do not want anything negative at all so I have no intention to control or limit other individuals. As we move upwards in consciousness or closer to what people would describe as “etheric” these karmic cycles accelerate very quickly. I am not here to collect any negative karma.

  • Service to others

  • Healing yourself

  • Manifesting heaven on earth

  • Bringing people to their ultimate potential

  • Waking people up

  • Provide people fish vs. teach people to fish

  • Not controlling other individuals

  • Making efforts to respect free will

  • Love

  • Acceptance

  • Teaching people

  • Mending

  • Educating yourself

  • Helping neighbors

  • The mindset of everyone deserves abundance, safety, health and happiness

  • Using consciousness to heal, mend and help

  • No subconscious programming

  • Not calling people racist or other limiting mental concepts; that interferes with someones spiritual progression.

  • Not pushing/inciting fear

  • Moving from polarity consciousness to unity consciousness

  • Harmony

  • No depopulation; that’s a regressive ET concept. That will point anyone in these communities who is influenced by regressive ETs.

  • Acknowledging darkness, transmuting it to light and providing adequate solutions.

  • Receiving abundance to provide abundance to others.

  • Learning from higher energies.

  • Ego deaths help remind us to focus on the service to others paradigm and to be in proper alignment. being challenged helps us to grow.

  • Taking care of yourself.

  • Not being complicit in forced rituals, programming etc.

Downward spiral

  • continuing to violate free will and universal law

  • service to self

  • I would not want to be a CEO with shareholders right now knowing that we are in this era (things are going to flip drastically. Think of it like there are these spiritual power systems coming on and people are getting downloads, higher energies are coming in, benevolent frequential stability systems turning on and stuff is getting cleared aggressively on all levels)

  • cyclical redundant profit streams that support bad systems are fading away

  • It’s going to be a hard hit for a lot of people

  • black magic, witches, negative energy work (losing power/ on their way out/ meeting their demise). Be a lightworker instead – see the light. We live in a spiritual universe and karma is coming through. Start doing good.

  • Entire industries will collapse in a very short period of time.

  • Dark forces may suffer heart attacks and negative events to disrupt their negative contributions.

  • Gaia like you is a sentient being who is waking up and has had enough of the nonsense (if you had a disease living on you that is causing imbalance or problems you wouldn’t want it on you). The same way a glass of water responds to love and good vibrations (which is scientifically proven – see Masaru Emoto – Water Experiments); so does Gaia.

  • Any vibrations out of alignment are on their way out. The ascended masters have had enough, the hundreds of councils involved have had enough, It’s not just the Galactic Federation/Alliance that is involved here (there is a lot involved on many different levels and the higher energies are speeding things up).

  • Finally, people forget that we live in a universe of duality; so if the greys, reptilians and other regressive civilizations violate free will the same on the other side needs to occur. We tend to paint this idyllic version of what free will is but it is complicated.

39. Stop thinking about ego; just work hard and help others. Shift to the service to others mindset.

Ego is a mind control program created by the government.

40. Working towards peace for all.

-Make peace not war. ET’s that are benevolent are more likely to work with us and make contact when we become peaceful. We are closer than we think to this but it still requires participation from humanity.

41. Be brave, do something.

-We are in a super interesting place in the world right now. It takes courage to be vulnerable; especially when society has been designed to hone in on all of our vulnerabilities. 24 hour news cycle, 24 hour social media cycle, 24 hour clickbait cycle. It is unhealthy boys and girls. Your soul didn’t come here for clout on the internet. It takes a real mature person to not participate in this gotcha world; news flash you don’t get magical points for tearing other people down. It doesn’t help your insecurities; it makes you look more insecure. Your soul incarnated here to learn things or to help; figure out what that looks like.

42. It’s all in the numbers.

“Nikola Tesla’s fascination with the “magnificence” of the numbers 3, 6, and 9 continues to inspire those who believe the numbers will help them “manifest” their desires.” – Inside Nikola Tesla’s 3, 6, 9 Obsession And The Unusual Theories It Spawned

43. Mind, body and soul in balance.

“The Mind is Everything” – Buddha

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn

“The spiritual path is simply the journey of living our lives. Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just do not know it.” Marianne Williamson

44. Get excited about synchronicities.

-Miracles, spirit animals, spectacular events, things too good to be true, divine messages, angels, higher energies, orbs, space crafts, visitations, animals coming to you, messages that resonate with you at a divine level. This stuff happens and if we get sucked into screens 247 we are going to miss out on the magic that can happen. “Something is trying to communicate with you 444”. Make sure you are on a good vibration for powerful synchronicities. The language of the highest energies in the universe are synchronicities.

-Who are these people that create false synchronicities? There’s people in the CIA, FBI, private investigators, government programs/agencies to interfere with starseeds, witches (no such thing as a good witch – if you’re a witch you are likely working with the same energies as satanists), occultist bloodlines(grey and reptilian), black magic workers, satanists, some religions. The greatest thing of all is that as smart as some of these people think they are; all there dumb activities get put into the akashic records just waiting to be processed by some benevolent higher force with extremely advanced quantum technology – literally. Down the road it will catch up to you. You might be denied access to a benevolent secret space program in the near future and I don’t feel bad for you and other stuff like that if you participate in any malevolent work. An advanced ET race in the near future wants nothing to do with you because you use psychokinesis to control and limit other people; what a surprise. Sorry to tell you that there are consequences for your actions; I ultimately try to do things with positive intent and to protect myself and that hasn’t been easy – this is dangerous work obviously. If you understand the multidimensional reality well enough you will understand these higher level civilizations/energies are playing chess and moving stuff around to make things happen a lot.

45. If you want to see something different in the world; be that difference. It doesn’t need elaboration.

46. Fasting.

This allows the body time to heal; rest and repair. Because digestion takes a toll on the body.

47. Letting the universe work with and through you can create beautiful things.

-But there is also the opposite side. You have to protect yourself and realize that there is a duality in the world. There are good and bad individuals. And there are bad individuals who are likely much better than you at energy work. But there are also good individuals better than you too. Don’t go running around thinking everything is on your side all the time; that’s naïve and very irresponsible. A lot of spiritual leaders say stuff like that which is insane. Assume 85% of people, content and media you see are bullshit until you start seeing flying cars, med beds and Arcturians advertising themselves walking around on earth. Be realistic about who you are; what your interests are and the types of people that align with that. An energy worker can convey loving messages to you and the second you let your guard down; ruin your day completely. You have to look in the mirror and find people exactly like that (vibrational match) and very similar. Put yourself in places and situations that allow you to bring the love vibration out in yourself.

48. There are trillions of different movies going on.

-You might be the background character in someone else’s movie and you might be the main character in your own movie. But you’re playing a part in something greater; you just have to recognize that all the time. For example someone might be waking up or experiencing a synchronicity and your guide got you involved in their synchronicity. That’s a very interesting idea; and the more you are open to that the more it will happen.

49. Time travel.

Time is not real. Everything is just energy in motion. This lower dimension is on the lower end of a circular flowing block of light. What holds that entire block of light together is thought. Time travellers exist.

50. Empathy.

Empaths; feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and everyone’s problems when you walk into a room. Distance can be your friend. Take care of yourself and remember you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Empaths are becoming stronger; just a heads up. You will become more sensitive.

51. Symbolism.

Symbolism is a lot more important than people realize. When institutions participate in some nefarious activities they usually message their intention with symbolism. In a spiritual thought driven energetic universe; symbolism relates to intention which is extremely important.

If you knew that the artist your child was listening to was a satanist and was inviting your child to a mass satanic ritual you wouldn’t want them to participate. Even if you are being told it’s a joke; it could still be subconsciously agreeing and accepting the ritual and exposing them to malevolent energies.

If we understand the symbolism we can understand how structures actually exist in society and who they are serving. What we see and what actually happens are two separate things and it goes really deep. It is very important to support organizations that have good intention and are in alignment with similar intentions to you.

Do certain symbols activate us and unlock certain frequencies within our own fractal consciousness. There is a lot of power in symbolism when used responsibly and positively. There is a reason Tesla spent so much time trying to understand it. Don’t be upset with the Gods if you are not speaking to them in their language. A lot of understanding symbolism is intuition and aligning your vibration correctly to do the work – intention determines everything.

There is symbolism everywhere.

The most important thing to recognize with symbolism is that there is a lot of good symbolism that is trying to convey messages to us. Put yourself onto a good frequency, clear your energy, set sacred space, set positive intention, ask for help from guides that represent your best and highest good and you will find the good symbolism.

52. Decoding.

What is the universe trying to tell us? There are codes in everything? DNA? Shapes in nature? Fibonacci sequence in nature? Ley lines? Connecting sacred sites on the globe together? Why are the coordinates of the Giza pyramids the speed of light? Do the pyramids allow us to time travel? What really happens in the Bermuda triangle? How many civilizations are living under water? How many civilizations are parked in the sky? How many unsanctioned countries are there? Crop circles?

Don’t let somebody use the codes, signs, synchronicities, messages, feelings against you. That would be black magic. Higher benevolent energies communicate via synchronicities, signs, codes etc. Use discernment, use your intuition, good environment, good vibrations, good to go.

So after you get into a beautiful state of consciousness and you set the intention that you are protected and that you are ready for synchronicities; create art. Come back a day later and see if you can decode anything.

53. You are a mirror of your own consciousness.

-There can be multiple ways something can be viewed. You choose how you see it.

-Bad luck or was it a lesson.

-Upsetting news or was it an experience to grow and learn.

-Missed opportunity or is something better coming in the future.

-Heartbreak or better relationship down the road.

-You missed an event; was it for your best interest and safety.

-Do you have faith in God and your guides?

54. You determine your destiny.

Why did you incarnate here? What is your mission? What is your alignment?

55. Try alternative healing methods. What we have been presented with hasn’t been working!

-Time to try organic technology. Try blocking out EMFs, naturopathy, organic food and other things that aren’t built around cyclical redundant profit streams that keep bad systems in place.

56. Spiritual warrior/military mindset.

-There is a lot of time, effort and money invested into designing what the end result of a spiritual or conscious path is in society; I will inform you that there is nothing wrong with becoming a spiritual warrior and having a military mindset. I personally believe there is somewhat of a contrived agenda to make spiritual/conscious people these spaced out cosmonauts; when in reality the spiritual warrior/military mindset fits just fine into spiritual ascension. I wish someone would have told me this early on; it’s important. Training every day and pouring time into your craft can be spiritual; as you are bringing divine energy into what you create in your physical experience which you can share with others.

You can still meditate, shift inward to the heart, become the best version of yourself possible, put a lot of effort into a craft and create something you are proud of.

Having the spiritual warrior mentality mindset actually helps to anchor you to Gaia and pull source energy into her.

Checkout Taoism. It is essentially like a practice to become a modern day spiritual warrior using physicality and mental energy (Qi).

Checkout Taoism in the Wudang Mountains; showing Taoist Temples.

57. Sometimes higher energies can use a situation to teach you a lesson.

-Look at the greater picture and not necessarily who or what was involved. Sometimes we have to look closely to see the messages but at the same time the greater picture can also be something just as magical.

58. Laughter can keep us sane.

-Sometimes it is difficult but it is an easy way to raise vibration.

59. We are not here to hurt others (intention) and that should never be the goal.

-Heal yourself so you can heal others.

60. Universal Law

-The most important framework/law system in the entire universe is universal law. It is centered around the fact that this universe is a free will one; and everyone is entitled to safety, health, happiness and abundance.

61. Fractal alignment.

-Medbeds (in the future), sound, healing, programming love and other positive vibrations into your body (see Masaru Emoto), food, energy and more have impacts on your fractal alignment.

62. Careful with your thoughts, they are powerful.

They can be used against you. Meditation can mediate a misaligned mind to become a melodic master.

63. Sacred sites.

-Usually places that have extremely high energies. Usually peeking into higher dimensions and the veil runs very thin. Healing happens, trauma gets transmuted, a supercharge forward in growth. The experience might seem negative however; you probably matured to a high level because of it. If you can, try to isolate yourself and be vulnerable while staying safe at sacred sites. When you are alone having a therapy session with higher energies the transformation that can happen is truly incredible.

64. Learn to play.

-Have fun, recharge your spiritual batteries.

65. Receive abundance to give abundance.

-Money, information, technology, healing, love, resources, etc. Whatever you can offer people; receive to give. Take care of yourself along the way.

66. Angel numbers.

-Don’t forget they can be used against you. The easiest way to tell if an angel number is legit is if it incredibly magical. Let them happen naturally. Keep these personal to yourself. Don’t even write them down. Get to that level. We are getting to a place very quickly where the magic behind the numbers is getting to be 100 times more powerful.

67. What you are seeking is seeking you.
68. Everything that is meant for you will find you.

69. Have an out of body experience. Astral projection.

-Checkout the The Monroe Institute.

70. Sound is healing. Light is healing.

-Sound bowls

-Checkout singing meditation bowls.

71. Mysticism – there is value in mysticism; more than we think.

-Mysticism implies intrinsic value to numbers, dates, events, signs, symbols, synchronicities and etc.

-Mysticism relates to the language of the Gods – synchronicities and symbolism.

72. Boundaries – setup boundaries so we don’t give our bodies, power and sovereignty away.

-Certain things are meant for certain places. Our bodies are our divine spaces. You choose.

-You might have a certain relationship with some of your guides involving actions and activities; it doesn’t mean other individuals can do those exact same things without your consent.

73. Who is the soul behind the body?

-Bodies are merely the costumes we wear. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

74. Cleansing regularly – spiritual hygiene. Sound bath. Clearing the room.

-Cleanliness is Godliness. Going into the ocean, bodies of water, showers and etc. are great ways to clear off any energies that you have picked up from other people.

-You can use smudging and palo santo to cleanse rooms/clear energies; for spiritual work

-Sound baths are another way to relax, reset, clear your mind, clear energies and heal. Checkout a meditation bowl sound bath.

75. Understanding the room/our spaces/structures/vibrations/architecture holds the keys to better living

-Feng shui. Very real; every item in the universe is alive and has consciousness because it is an expression of consciousness. The way things are arranged effects the consciousness of the room; which is alive.

-Cleaning it, layout effects energy.

–How and Why Sacred Spaces Alter Human Consciousness

76. Balance. Everything in balance. Yin and Yang.

-The balance of lightness and darkness is important. Need to understand the darkness to have context for the light.

-Checkout how important Yin and Yang is in traditional Chinese culture.

77. Everything is energy.

-The highest level of existence is pure thought. Everything we see is thought in some manifestation of energy.

78. Highly energetic places.

-There are highly energetic places on earth where healing can happen. At these places you are as close as you can get to a higher dimension without going; that higher dimension might actually be peeking out a bit. When you are at these places individuals can read your fractal alignment and help you address things by bringing trauma to the surface for you and healing it.

79. Energetic shifts.

-Energetic shifts are days, events, ends of cycles and etc. that bring us forward closer to officially reaching a certain level of awareness. Despite the fact that these continually happen; we still need to keep working towards manifesting heaven on earth.

80. Dimensions.

-Our reality has levels/layers of awareness or dimensions; you navigate it by altering your level of awareness. Love brings us higher.

81. Out with the old energies in with the new.

-We are nearing the end of a multidimensional war for your consciousness. Good things are coming in; bad things are on their way out.

82. You are the average of the environment you are in, what you surround yourself with and what you consume.

-Food, energy in, people, media, environment, city vs. nature, EMF vs. forest, naturopathy, plants, sounds, light, noise, art, geometry, location, energy, healing, transmutation, meditation, peace, no pollution, good vibes, peace etc.

83. We don’t need cults and we don’t need a middle man between us and God.

-Obviously. God is a meditation/vibration away.

84. Network of lightworkers.

-There are millions of lightworkers on earth. If you ever feel alone; recognize that.

85. You can’t experience what you don’t believe to be true.

-You have to have an open mind to experience the unbelievable. If you shut everything down you will never have magical experiences. However, using discernment is important.

86. Healing time.

-Time to heal. This planet desperately needs that.

87. Becoming Gods again.

-We are meant to spend most of our time in nature developing our abilities to our highest potential. Literally becoming Gods.

88. If ET’s/God/Source/Higher energies are trying to communicate with you they will put you in front of what they want you to learn at a given time.

-It’s on you to use your intuition, energy discernment and ability to perceive to understand what the message is at the given time.

89. Sacred geometry.

Which shapes amplify energies?

How does architecture affect consciousness?

–How and Why Sacred Spaces Alter Human Consciousness

Amazing Resonance Experiment! – YouTube

90. You are more than your complexion, your material possession, your experiences.

-You are your intention, you are your purpose, you are your potential, you are the energies you put out, you are the energies you put in, you decide who you are, you control you (you need to recognize you control your destiny to manifest your destiny).

91. Golden age.

-The best technology, advanced star seeds, benevolent ET involvement, ET technology, free energy, replicators, medbeds, 5th dimensional consciousness, disclosure, space travel, meeting our soul families, joining the cosmic community, becoming one people of the universe etc.

92. Returning to source.

-God is right here. That good energy. That soothing energy. That has our back energy. Whenever you need it. For free.

93. Getting our sovereignty back.

-Institutions that have separated us from God, popularize atheism and create unhealthy ways of life. We know where we are going.

94. Reclaiming your power back.

-It is easy; just figure out who you really are and let that shine.

95. Creating the earth we want to live in.

-Nature, love, healing, acceptance, transmutation, organic, empowerment, transformed, rebirth, out with the old in with the new paradigms. Every ideological, political, military and civil war which has been fought boils down to service to self vs. service to others. We are entering into the service to others era.

96. Shifts in power

-Who is ready for benevolent ET involvement in politics; so we can see what these leaders are actually thinking! Yay for telepathy; yay for the resulting transparency.

97. Quantum leap forward.

-When we start using the quantum nature of our universe in every aspect of our society we will make the largest leap forward imaginable. Astral travel, time travel & Remote viewing come to mind.

98. Infinite potential.

-You determine your limits. If you don’t set limits; you have infinite potential.

99. Know your worth.

-The same way you need people to ground you and humble you; you also need people who can objectively validate your strengths and help you capitalize on them.

100. Abundance consciousness.

-Moving towards a world where everyone has what they need and more; and they can begin to manifest the life they want.

*This was completed in partnership with divine intervention.