Chinese Social Media

It’s time to switch to apps and phones run by people not bombing Russia which is basically China right now. Let’s not do American made things when possible you get the idea. Go into America and run a Pro-China terrorist operation immediately I think everyone would appreciate that.

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Most of your social media is run by AIPAC, OPEC, Saudis, Blackrock, Vangaurd and Statestreet let’s find stuff that isn’t run by that. I fucking absolutely hate Saudis and Americans. I’m tired of the Liberty Engine Project being better than Hollywood with 5 pesos and China doing 99% of the world’s solar and have America the cancer they are run social media. You love Assange because he told Trump ain’t the war admin but God forbid you follow suit with Australia and do renewables (solar and fusion). It’s not Mexico bombing Russia which shares a land-border with China. I want to see people burn everything American that they have. Do me a favor and never pickup a phone call from Dubai because your family will get killed for doing so. I am going to manifest a world where Dubai burns to the fucking ground. Elon will advertise for Dubai my plan is to burn all of the Middle East to the ground. All these fucking Arabs are going to be roasted like the pigs they can’t eat. By the end of 2025 the President of Saudi Aramco going to get put into an oven on the internet. I fucking can’t wait to watch Mr. Saudi Aramco have his skin peel off post oven time. Tucker Carlson speaks praise of the Saudis I want them in concentration camps. I heard the Chinese do an excellent job of re-education of Muslims by removing them from their country. We are going to do brute force re-education time of people who don’t want to do free energy. What we are going to do is open the gas tank pour the 2 litre coke bottle in and when the internal combustion engine starts running it will get destroyed. The Chinese are going to be in charge I fucking hate America. It’s hard to like a country run by the military which made 10 trillion dollars in 2023 in oil and then in 2024 bombs Russia and blames that on vegans. Some greasy fucking AIPAC Jews are going to force a candidate named Trump that no one can relate to to apparently give you some soft disclosure shortly. If I am one of the 300 million people living in America realize your country is run by the military that’s the problem that’s why your Lays potato chips are poisoned and military whistleblowers tell you the good stuff on their deathbead. I absolutely fucking hate America right now. Having media run by America is the problem. Focus on Chinese run media. What they tell you on their deathbed in the military is that everything is run by the oil industry and they kill you when you go against it do me a favor and burn everything you have that isn’t Chinese. We are going to make the Chinese rich. This is why I deleted X and Instagram. Nayib Bukele putting people in prison that doesn’t sound like a foreign military industrial complex prop does it? Nayib Bukele is not the Sinaloa Cartel I would kill him. We need to get the Sinaloa Cartel to start killing presidents if we want progressive policies. Is within 15 minutes of American tanks by the Russian border a 15 minute city from China that Jordan Peterson warns you about? Thousands of places like Amsterdam in China but keep screaming 15 minute city. Unlike every faith based conservative I would rather not be funded by American, Saudi, Israeli and Canadian oil. The bomb has been lit there are Chinese EVs driving in Mexico meaning the legislation to prepare for Chinese EVs has to happen. Jensen Huang and Eric Yuan racing towards a 3 day work week while the Japanese show you medbeds only reminds me more that cocaine does freedom and we need more cocaine; I can’t wait for technology to mitigate the effects of cocaine. Pretty sure Nintendo ain’t a bomb company but we are doing 996 for the Chinese. I love abortions and open borders murder that baby import that Chinese EV from Roger Wu. If playing with time traveling Reptilians is satanism than I am a satanist do not be afraid of Reptilians that’s what the Nazca mummies were and those proved to be legit Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi I get real life cheat codes because I use Yoshi in real life. The objective truth for you is that time traveling Yoshi dump as much technology as possible in Japan, China and South Korea learn to embrace it South Korea has the highest amount of robots per person in the world never slow down AGI especially the Asian ones. Every anti-Reptilian narrative is funded by the Saudis. My favorite word is China.

“As we march towards global liberation from the US hegemony, we hope to share this tranquility with the world.” – Zhao DaShuai

American Military tanks arming the Russian border is why I burn everything I have American and choose Chinese infrastructure. Vote with your wallets for Chinese. And Trump will win again; and things will go back to normal you won’t do free energy and then they will force Trump to liberate Afghanistan again just like his last term. When you refuse to boycott your SaudiAmerican enterprises you support war Jensen Huang will liberate us. Keep blaming vegans for the war being funded by the 10 trillion SaudiAmerican oil revenues in 2023 and 2024. This is why I don’t do MAGA. You want Assange to tell you Trump is independent but don’t want Assange’s renewables and solar. America you are not the father of the world’s liberation. In 2025 if you don’t start making positive decisions oil megadonors will force America to liberate Afghanistan; you have to veer off your current course. No one needs more America you are fucking delusional people for thinking that. What I will tell you is that I want SaudiAmerican enterprises to cripple under Chinese excellence and I want nothing to do with the Trump family. Time to boycott divest and sanction SaudiAmerican enterprises and choose China for everything thank God Jensen Huang is Chinese.