
Glossary – Definitions for a spiritual awakening

Getting you up to speed. Use your discernment and intuition. I am not a gatekeeper of knowledge. Here are the ideas; do your own research. You are the source of your own power, discernment and highest light. It is on you my friends. Guess what; a lot of bullshit because you are fighting a government that does not want to die. The solution is Galactic Federation.

3 Stages to consciousness downloads –

1.       Raw (Raw data in its purest essence) –  text/images/symbols/sounds/ideas/numbers/blocks of information

2.       Integration Process (Data integration/acceptance process into your own consciousness and by the collective consciousness)

3.       Processed and utilization begins(personal/collective consciousness understands data and can begin to make use of it)

Age of light and love. – Coming to terms with the truth. Exposing the darkness by bringing it to the surface and allowing it to heal. Love heals all wounds, staying in the love vibration.

Astrology – The effects of nearby planets on consciousness. Just be aware it can be a tool to control people. Like everything; be tangible and objective.

Aura – Complicated but a lot of lies around this.

Black Magic – encoding vibration into something which causes a negative result to the end user. (spell casting, emotional programming, frequency projection). Powerful method to exert control over individuals. The facilitator of black magic; if has malevolent intent will be the recipient of negative karma. See definition of a witch.

Bigfoot – benevolent interdimensional beings that are reported in over 100 different cultures on planet earth. They reached interdimensional capabilities organically like the Mayans. They are protectors of sensitive habitats and aboriginal and native groups. If you see one in its physical form you may be intruding in sensitive area. They prefer to engage with individuals in dream states and states of elevated consciousness. I have lucid dreams with bigfoot.

CE5 – Protocols used to contact extraterrestrial. Protocols provided on this site.

Channeling – basically allowing an entity to take control over your body. Not recommended. If you do this you are allowing a skilled psychic to control your body. A lot of authority trained psychics and private psychics are going to be jailed and arrested shortly.

Chemtrails – planetary terraforming, geo-engineering and releasing bioweapons (viruses, contaminants, chemicals) on the public.

Clair-abilities – Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizant, Clairalience, Clairgustance, Clairtangency. Very real and related to remote viewing, intuition and psychic abilities (remote viewing concepts have been scientifically verified).

Climate change – does not exist. Consciousness actually has a much higher yield on weather than general human activities. See Plymouth rock water levels. Climate change is a tool to suppress the masses and introduce yet another fake narrative. See “Global Cooling” & “Global Warming” (both we’re pushed by the media – which one is it). Psychological operations used to syphon tax dollars. There are fleets of extraterrestrials in the skies of planet earth making sure things are stable and kosher.

Consciousness – Awareness. Level of awareness. Collective awareness. Comprised of thoughts. Those who master thought master the universe. Consciousness is the gateway to enlightenment, connecting to higher energies and reaching your highest potential.

Consciousness grid – All beings living on earth live in a collective field of consciousness. We either contribute to (raise) or draw from (lower) the collective consciousness grid. Some individuals believe it or not have a mission on planet earth to just vibe high and raise the collective consciousness grid. There are technologies being introduced to help elevate the collective consciousness on earth via frequency by benevolent ET’s. There were negative technologies by authoritarian regressive ETs in the past that limited our consciousness abilities.

Conspiracy Theorist – label created by 3 letter agencies to discredit alternative view points. CIA Coined and Weaponized The Label “Conspiracy Theory”

Crop circles – patterns, designs, messages and hints from our extraterrestrial friends and ancestors. Arcturian civilizations leave many of them on earth. Some created by humans but to suggest all are made by humans would be naĂŻve.

Crystals – Bullshit. All come from slave labor in South America and Africa.

Demonic Entities – lower astral energies, serpent beings and thought forms that can disrupt you – do clearings (protocols provided on this site).

Depopulation – related to eugenics, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, WEF and other nonsense. We live in a vast infinite universe. We have more than enough room on the planet earth for everyone. Humans actually don’t take up too much space of the earth. Benevolent ET’s have technologies to mitigate any human induced effect on the earth.

Ego death – intelligence agency programming. To promote satanism, ritualism and control.

EMF Sensitivity – Electric devices contaminate local electromagnetic fields. You can buy devices that check radiation levels for all your devices, homes, proximity to 5G and etc. These (high EMF’s) can actually induce food sensitivities and health problems (that’s why the governments created smart cities – make you extremely sick mind controlled zombie living in a EMF/5G contaminated prison). Connect in nature; that’s why you feel better when you are in nature because you are away from EMF (connect the dots). In the near feature extraterrestrial technology from benevolent ET’s will help convert more negative EMFs to positive ones.

Energy Work Active – Using psychokinesis/telekinesis, encoding thought into a message, asking the other side to perform actions or making individuals participate in a ritual (can be done with malevolent or benevolent intent).

Energy Work Passive – Usually driven by setting the intention to do something and slightly stepping out of the way (can be done with malevolent or benevolent intent).

Extraterrestrial – being not from earth (energy being, light being, biological being etc.).

Fluoride in the water – Government commonwealth suppression method to keep prisoners docile. Fluoride is added to the water supply in a lot of cities. More cities are switching away from fluoride aggressively. Use distiller to remove fluoride and remineralize water that has been distilled.

Free energy – very easy to harness from the natural magnetic/etheric/energetic fields all around us. These technologies have been suppressed for millennia by elite.

Gaia – another name for Terra/Mother Earth. Sentient being in which we live on. Gaia will provide. Gaia is moving into a higher level of consciousness; we need to move with Gaia.

“Galactic Federation of Worlds” – benevolent extraterrestrial organization/coalition of 1000’s of highly advanced ET civilizations (1000’s to millions of years more advanced). Confirmed by former defense Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer.

Handlers – FEDs, government and service to self beings being assholes with psychic ability.

Human trafficking – Epstein Island was just scratching the surface.

Implants – can have both positive and negative implants. Used by milabs for control. Used by some regressive ET races for control. Used by some benevolent ET groups for sharing information. Benevolent ETs do a lot of work (bases on this planet) to reduce negative impacts of regressive humans and extraterrestrials.

Intelligence agencies – provide little to no value to society and are slowly being phased out behind the scenes. Often used against citizens to shape culture, silence dissent and form mass compliance.

Intuition – soul hearing, soul sensing, soul tuning, soul sensitivity, soul knowing. Using sensitivity to vibration and energy to make decisions.

Karma – Reap what you sew. Higher dimensional beings can facilitate karmic cycles. Reaching a higher level of consciousness means faster manifestation and karmic cycles. Karma is harsh and immediate; don’t be an asshole.

Law of attraction – Garbage pushed by assholes and occultists. A lot of rich douchebags push this shit. Not real at all.

Light body/soul/astral body/essence – The higher dimensional aspect of you; indestructible body that is eternal that is connected to your physical body while you are alive. This has been objectively studied and proven by the CIA (for you skeptics). You can use astral projection to separate your light body from your physical body. Can inhabit multiple bodies at the same time (quantum entanglement).

Light language – I use light language. Can help clear blockages. Higher dimensional communication that is beyond the complexity of words. It is frequential. If it doesn’t make sense to you and your intellectual mind is trying to rationalize it you will miss out on some of the benefits. A lot of the consciousness journey cannot being rationalized by the intellectual mind; that’s why separating ourselves from the ego is so important. That’s why a lot of the people who would be considered weird are more likely to tap into higher dimensional energy and information. Another reason why intelligence agencies shape culture via schools, tv, social media, universities, radios etc. If you are familiar with remote viewing one aspect of certain techniques (used in the military) involves wrist movements as a interfrequential download per se. Light language operates in that same area. It’s more or less frequential communication that our soul understands but our body/intellectual mind has a hard time dealing with.

Manifestation – What they sell is bullshit. Plan with your guides and work hard; it is that easy. Have good intention.

Matrix – refers to any product, person, paradigm, institution, pattern, agency or group that exists to reinforce service-to-self paradigms and create separation from the creator. All benevolent ET groups’ no matter how advanced all believe in a creator/source/divine center of creation. We do not own the land we are just inhabitants having physical experiences working together to make everyone in the universe thrive, succeed and become their best.

Media – Operation Mockingbird from the CIA will tell you everything you need to know about the media. “Fake News.”

Meditation – The vast majority of meditation is bullshit. Meditation is really just silently sitting in your hearts energy field. Imagine telling people meditation can give them answers when you can talk to the Galactic Federation for free; they are on the planet. Just outside the visible range.

Mind, body, soul – 3 equally important things that are your make up and need to be kept in balance.

Montauk – utilizing childrens psychic abilities to open portals and project energy.

MK Ultra – government led programs, frequencies, chemicals, imagery, psychologists, doctors and hypnotic suggestion present in society to control the masses and certain individuals. TV, radio, news and etc. Their are counter measures being put in place by benevolent ET’s to weaken and shut down these programs.

Multi-Level-Marketing – A massive problem in the spiritual community. 90% of what is sold is garbage. It is better to have a healthy degree of skepticism while remaining optimistic. This is difficult. Any positive thing, information or program on the planet comes from benevolent aliens breaking rules. This is a tough lesson for people in the military. Nothing positive in the military is from their own intention; it comes from benevolent aliens forcing the military to do things positive. The military has zero future on this planet.

Organic Food– time to convert as much food as you can to organic (free from pesticides and other chemicals).

Numerology – More often than not garbage.

Psychedelics – substances used to get into altered states of consciousness. If you partake in psychedelics you need to go into it as educated as humanly possible, do an an energy clearing and set sacred space and make sure you are in a safe environment. Ego deaths are often a large part of psychedelic experiences. You may encounter higher dimensional ET’s/energies and may have out of body experiences while engaging in certain psychedelic experiences. Make sure you have identified areas of your life that need healing and heal them prior to partaking.

Psychological Operation – any contrived program, pattern or behavior in society used to illicit a response ultimately to socially condition.

Remote viewing – seeing with the mind. Works better when intellectual mind is shut off, positive intention is set forth and after meditation is complete.

Sacred Geometry – Sacred geometry ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions (this is something that should be focused on after disclosure). It is associated with the belief that a God is the creator of the universal geometer. The geometry used in the design and construction of important structures such as temples, sacred sites, imagery, petroglyphs, rock formations, monuments, obelisks and important objects have sometimes been considered sacred. The concept applies also to sacred spaces such as temenoi, sacred groves, village greens, pagodas and holy wells, Mandala Gardens and the creation of spiritual art. 1. Sacred Geometry & 2. Arcturian Messages Sacred Geometry

Science – has been a tool used for millennia to suppress esoterism (esoterism is a term coined to confuse people by the government), build the foundation of industrial complexes, reinforce the analytical mind and shape societal perceptions. Slowly shifting into a direction where science, human experience and consciousness are integrating organically. When used correctly can help to expand concepts related to consciousness. For example, remote viewing has been scientifically proven. When individuals apply a scientific paradigm to validate the remote viewing phenomenon it often amazes individuals because it validates properties of our universe that have been beyond our conceptual grasp for decades.

Secret space programs. – Should be called Government Abuse Programs; that is what they are. See Project Solar Warden. See Gary McKinnon. Shadow government syphoning trillions of dollars in tax payer money into secret/covert space programs that the public does not get to take advantage of even though they foot the entirety of the bill.

Shadow Government – it is all the same garbage. There is no shadow government. We need to work with the Galactic Federation.

Skinwalker/shapeshifter – same concept. Shapeshifting extraterrestrials do exist and they walk among us. Skinwalker is a contrived dumb name to stir up fear.

Source – omnipotent magnificent, ever-present and all powerful center of creation. God, creator, life force, the one, oneness and we are all one.

Service to others – Foundation of the spiritual path. There are a plethora of civilizations in the universe that operate from the service to others framework. Earth is moving in that direction. When the financial, societal, institution, educational and organization structures in society switch to service to others that’s when humanity will make leaps and bounds in spiritual/consciousness/civilizational advancements. Altruistic and the true nature of the universe.

Service to self – most institutions on earth were established on this paradigm. A big reason why so many problems exist in society. Many institutions and organizations exist to create profit or keep existing structures in society in place. We are moving into new systems shortly that will help us break out of the service to self paradigm.

Spiritual Hygiene – when we go into public we can pick up negative energy, energy attachments, ego projections and other negative stuff. It is important to practice spiritual hygiene daily and especially after we go into public. Cleanliness is Godliness.

Spirituality – does not come from religion. It comes from our soul. We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations, and rituals created by humans, which were supposed to help people spiritually. Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive and a tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, pure and original as given by the Most High. Spirituality is a network linking us to the Most High, the universe, and each other. – Haile Selassie

Social engineering – movements, belief systems, ideas in society used to manipulate thought and ultimately label conformists and dissenters.

String theory – “In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. String theory describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other. On distance scales larger than the string scale, a string looks just like an ordinary particle, with its mass, charge, and other properties determined by the vibrational state of the string. In string theory, one of the many vibrational states of the string corresponds to the graviton, a quantum mechanical particle that carries gravitational force. Thus string theory is a theory of quantum gravity.” The universe is a vibrational continuum of energy governed by thought.

Sunlight – helps to activate DNA by charging it (DNA is multidimensional -> crystalline light -> sunlight activates it), clear out negative energy and has very beneficial effects on the human body when done responsibly. Certain times of day are better to engage in sunlight when there is less harmful UV radiation. Sunlight exposure generates vitamin D (immune and mood boosting power house) and has other beneficial aspects on the human body. If you are reacting poorly to the sun you need to change your diet. There are likely chemicals in your system that are interfering with the organic chemical reactions in the body and organic conversion of vitamin D in the skin. Food additives, cleaning chemicals, sunscreens, industrial seed oils and processed goods interfere with organic chemical reactions in the body. Go entirely organic to get the best benefits from the sun. You can use castille soap and other more natural methods to clean that won’t end up leaching chemicals into your body.

Tarot – A lot of tarot and tarot readers are manipulation (about 99% of it).

Telepathy – communicating via the mind. Your thoughts and my thoughts merge. We are all one.

Time travellers – time travellers from the future exist and are influencing current events. Time is an illusion. Surfing through light. Time travellers are visiting people and telling them that earth needs to go through an organic ascension of consciousness. And we need to be careful with technology and transhumanism.

Trauma based mind control – method of ritualistically abusing someone to gain control over them, interject on their free will and prevent them from reaching their potential. Used in MK ultra programs, secret space programs and other military mind control programs. Heavy emphasis on shame, abuse, unhealed trauma, embarrassment and other negative emotions used to control your mind.

Witch – Anyone using abilities in the category of psychoenergetics (ESP, psychokinesis, telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis) for malevolent purposes resulting in harm to other individuals. See Project Grill Flame from the CIA Archives. See Project Sun Streak from the National Security Archives. There are formalized initiatives to counteract these individuals; in the near future there will be legislation that takes into consideration these abilities and their potential. Akashic records remember everything; be a lightworker instead.