Intel # 551 – Understanding Whistleblowing

First of all; before you sit on a golden throne and attack whistleblowers become one first.

The media loves to pick on whistleblowers; a lot of people in the media are either intelligence directives or have never done anything difficult before and are speaking from delusion.

The Phenomenon:

The more information you bring forward the more attacks happen.

The Solution:

More whistleblowing and more information coming forward. The largest part of it is keeping your mouth shut and realizing there are certain things you shouldn’t be getting involved with; the Galactic Federation is one of those things. The Galactic Federation send in extremely elite incarnates to help this planet; if someone is here to help your planet you do not interfere; because there will be retaliation and military intervention at some point in time for interfering. Do you understand why every organization has an agenda to deprive you of being extremely elite? Now I have been in a war directly since 1998, to do this; do me a favor, and shut the fuck up; you have zero entitlement to be in the Galactic Federation space; I do, I have an entitlement. I made a contract to do this. I have been fighting for 25 years to get here; and you have the naivity to walk into my space. This is not a team space.

Two forms of Gaslighting that happen:

  1. We are a team narrative.
  2. Thinking differently narrative.

I don’t want to be on a team with people who don’t respect universal law; and if you think it is okay to violate people with consciousness abilities then we are not on the same page. For people in the military; how can it be okay to think different regarding basic principles? Do we see how stupid some people are in the disclosure community? Brainless fucking airheads in the disclosure community.


Before you use the Galactic Federation to sell merchandise, books and bullshit. The Galactic Federation is Military service. You are not supposed to join the military to make money; you are supposed to serve people. Before we use the Galactic Federation to sell NFTs, tie-dye shirts and bracelets; recognize you are profiting off of the death and suffering of ETs that came here to help your planet. You are a disgusting piece of fucking shit for doing that. Do not get involved with what I am doing; it will never end well for you. Recognize you are not supposed to profit off of the death and suffering of people who came before you.