Intel # 72 – The Dangers Inflicted Via Psychic’s Explained

This is why there is a very aggressive Galactic Federation intervention happening. This article explains why there needs to be aggressive legislation to regulate psychic ability/astral projection/remote viewing.

People can project their soul out of their body and essentially hitch a ride or control someone else’s body. That is why things like channeling and automatic writing should never be promoted or encouraged. I do medium work and I do not encourage channeling and automatic writing. The people that encourage channeling and automatic writing are most definitely regressive individuals with a very good astral projection/psychic capability.

The owner of this site lives on a Galactic Federation base. There are more people from the Galactic Federation coming to planet earth every day, more things getting taken over and more bases being formed every day.

There is zero chance that this planet does not become completely Galactic Federation in the year 2023.

If you have 10 people highly skilled in remote viewing/astral projection/psychic ability; unfortunately they can very easily take over your body completely.

A lot of public individuals who commit large scale attacks are actually just victims of planned psychic attacks on the public that use groups of very skilled psychics and people with astral projection capability. Mass shooters more often than not are just victims of group psychic attacks.

What can result from this:

  • Psychics can kill people in a variety of ways.
  • You can use psychic ability to steal money from people.
  • You can use psychic ability to kill people why they are driving; basically putting them to sleep causing them to get into a car accident.
  • You can use psychic ability to put people in prison.
  • You can use psychic ability/astral abilities to influence someones decisions.
  • You can also force people to ejaculate or have an orgasm against their will and this is one of the largest problems in lack of regulation/legislation around psychic ability/astral projection.
  • You can rape, molest, sexually assault and have sex with psychic ability/astral travel.
  • You can violate people’s privacy, stalk them and harass them.
  • You can get people to do things against their will.
  • Psychics often drug, make people drunk to make them easier to manipulate via astral projection and psychic capability.
  • Unfortunately psychologists even drug people to make them more vulnerable to psychic attacks. I want military investigations into all psychologists on this planet immediately. I want psychic profiles from the military on every psychologist on this planet immediately. Every decision that a psychologist makes needs to be approved by an objective military council.
  • A lot of public servants are going to be arrested because they used their positions combined with psychic ability to cause harm to the public.
  • I was the victim of thousands of coordinated psychic attacks in the last 10 years; and I want a hearing specifically to address and go through every psychic attack I have received. I want a Nuremburg trial just for what I went through. I want everyone who participated in coordinated psychic attacks towards me to be prosecuted and arrested immediately.
  • I can gaurantee you right now many supposed spiritual leaders will be arrested when these trials take place.
  • You live on a messed-up planet and that is why the Galactic Federation is doing a very aggressive intervention.

Prepare to answer to the Galactic Federation for participating in such activities. The most important point is that the Galactic Federation is on this planet and working with your governments to address and solve these issues immediately.