Galactic Federation Official Disclosure Timeline

Disclaimer: This information is intended for a broad range of different audiences and the Galactic Federation are trying to actively get disclosure done as fast as humanly possible. This is focused on bipartisan disclosure.
If you are inside the government; please share this with your colleagues. This is intended to get individuals caught up to speed on this subject matter.
We need people inside the government to apply pressure and get disclosure done. This page is intended more for Government Officials.
I do believe there are good people inside the government. I would like to foster an environment of transparency to get to the bottom of this subject matter and facilitate disclosure quickly.
Shortly after extraterrestrial disclosure I believe there will be hearings to address safety concerns with astral projection and remote viewing globally. I look forward to this legislation and these hearings.
If you are inside the government I need you to be aware of this project and I need your support. One of the worst parts of disclosure is dealing with psychic crimes.
To everyone at NATO, United Nations and World Governments this will be your Global Official Disclosure Resource. Thank you to everyone who has worked on achieving disclosure; extraterrestrial disclosure is the biggest gift we can give to the generations that come after us.
As one of the worlds foremost experts on the Extraterrestrial subject matter there is zero threat out in space; I agree with both Paul Hellyer and Steven Greer on this sentiment. Extraterrestrials are going to provide technologies to make our planet safer, heal us and end the resource industry immediately. Any fear narratives are false and are perpetuated by the Military Industrial Complex. Paul Hellyer said that the United States was developing weapon systems to attack benevolent ET crafts visiting earth, Steven Greer also mentioned that this is the case. We are not going into space to fight wars and we should not be weaponizing space. Extraterrestrial Disclosure is a matter of achieving peace and cooperating with benevolent extraterrestrial civilizations; not fighting endless wars on earth and in space. I will be organizing direct investigations with parts of the global military investigating individuals interfering with my work. To everyone in the disclosure community; recognize there is zero threat in space. All of the individuals that say there are threats out in space have personally attacked me via psychic ability and astral projection; I will be working with the military shortly to prosecute and arrest these individuals. You have the privilege of watching the Highest Ranking Individual of the Galactic Federation on earth among you; do not interfere with this operation.
Part of disclosure is also acknowledging that parts of the government hid technologies and tax-payer funded programs from the public; meaning the government has a responsibility to come forward, apologize, compensate the public and provide technologies to the public that they currently have as fast as possible. Compensation goes way further than just implementing a UBI. It involves releasing healing technologies, releasing free energy devices, ending rent, ending utility/electricity bills and releasing replicators to the public. This is where the Galactic Federation is getting involved and having regular meetings with parts of your government to facilitate this process. #oneuniverseonepeople