Galactic Federation Resources

This resources page contains information on a variety of topics including:

  • Learning about the universe and quantum mechanics.

  • Making peaceful human initiated contact with extraterrestrials.

  • Learning and achieving altered states of human consciousness via objectively proven techniques.

  • Declassified documents and testimonials from institutions that uncover important truths about consciousness and acknowledgement of extraterrestrials.

  • Evidence of the afterlife.

  • Objective statistical validation of remote viewing (which is essentially psychic ability).

The goal is to educate and to the best ability provide information that promotes a consciousness development journey using solid and objective sources while not forgetting the importance of anecdotal/collective human experience.

Important Disclaimer

The Galactic Federation does not condone religions in any form, ritualism, occultism and satanism. These aspects propagate and infiltrate a lot of cultures. People in specific cultural and religious groups screw over their own people in the name of religions, ritualism, occultism and satanism. Power structures and government institutions leverage these aspects to limit the development of people. Everyone needs to be introspective about the people leading their cultural development and if they truly have the best interests of their culture.


Signal provides privacy focused messaging, calling, video calling and groups chats.

Signal App

Telegram is a censorship-free way to communicate with your community.


ProtonMail is a privacy focused email client.


ProtonVPN is a secure and free VPN service for protecting your privacy.


Financial Alternatives are important when the current economic infrastructure only supports one way of thinking. Paypal, GoFundMe come to mind as not supporting diversity of thought. Use a stable crypto currency for short term donations.

*Coming soon.*

Piracy – The Key to Free Energy – Become a pirate.

“No more money to tech companies who visit Epstein Island”.

Intel # 803 – The Pirate Starter Pack

Dark Web

The Dark Web. First and foremost navigate with caution. Read here first. The dark web can be a useful tool when used with caution. There are some risks. Just like navigating the “regular internet”.

  • Place to find alternative opinions and fresh perspectives.
  • Wealth of information for free not available on “regular internet”.
  • Whistleblowing.
  • Great information resources at your finger tips. (Check out Imperial Library).

Tor – Program to browse dark web.
The Dark Web
 – Intro to dark web.

Tor. Allows you to explore the internet without tracking and surveillance. Also allows you to view .onion links which are dark web sites. Links available here: Hidden Wiki- 100+ Active Dark Web Links

How to Find Active .Onion Dark Web Sites (And Why You Might Want To) (

Reincarnation/Consciousness after death

[Evidence that suggest the reality of reincarnation] – PubMed

Children’s reports of past-life memories: a review – PubMed

The Case of James Leininger: An American Case of the Reincarnation Type – PubMed

Personality and abilities of children claiming previous-life memories – PubMed

Bigelow Institute Award Speech – (from the contest above)

Is There Life after Death? Fifty Years of Research at UVA

Astral Projection via Psilocybin

***This is here for educational purposes. Psilocybin can initiate the astral projection experience very quickly. However; personally I do not do substance use at all including marijuana or tobacco. I am completely sober. This is here for educational purposes.

***Psychedelics experimentation is the fastest way to achieve out of body experiences. A proper dose, not a microdose of psilocybin mushrooms will induce an out of body experience immediately. The fresher the mushrooms are the better. This is the year to try psilocybin mushrooms. Go into the experience with a clear mind and good intent. There is nothing to be afraid of. Ask for the Galactic Federation prior to your psilocybin experience for a truly cosmic experience. A large part of the Galactic Federation exists primarily in the higher vibration fields where psilocybin experiences unfold; come join us. Have a psilocybin party with your friends who you trust and can provide a safe environment this year. Using psilocybin mushrooms can allow you to explore the future. The Galactic Federation would like people to explore the future at this time. The Galactic Federation would like people to see who is at the center of things; i.e. the owner of this website.

***Most important thing; it is illegal to Astral Project into someone’s home without their consent. Ask that person’s guides first. You can get killed for doing that. A lot of the cultures that are irresponsible with Astral Projection are going to be ethnically cleansed off this planet. The Galactic Federation are opening official Galactic Federation Detainment, Torture and Processing Centers in the very near future for people who break rules with Astral Projection and psychic ability. The Galactic Federation are going to implement akashic record devices very shortly as well. They are basically alert systems for witches, pedophiles and rapists – they mark people to kill for the Galactic Federation aliens that live among you. Every witch on this planet is going to get beaten, tortured and killed.

Elon and I have disabled “pretending to be human” mode. Intel # 324 – Elon Admits He is An Alien Multiple Times

Astral Projection

Astral projection, is a term used in esotericism to describe an intentional out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a soul called an “astral body” that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe regardless of space or time. Astral projection falls into a similar category to NDE or Near Death Experience as well as OOBE or Out Of Body Experience. This process has been objectively studied and proven by organizations of which include the CIA. This process as Robert Monroe mentions is a more of a means to an end, as such I would highly recommend not letting astral projection be the end of your consciousness development journey. Between unlocking the power of your mind, discovering psychic abilities, communicating with extraterrestrials, time travelling with your consciousness, achieving higher levels of consciousness and the power of meditation there is much to break us free from the chains of division, anger and greed. My fascination with astral projection definitely relates to some of the experiences I have had that are extremely similar to what Robert Monroe has mentioned in his various works. Keep in mind astral projection can be a modality for contacting extraterrestrials.

Astral projection can be a very difficult process to achieve and may take weeks for some and years for others; regardless be prepared to put the work in. And the key is, a lot of experimenting, will power, focus, intention, healing trauma, self development, getting over fears and an understanding that outerworldly beings will play a significant role in helping you achieve astral projection. I cannot emphasize enough how important a positive mental framework is to achieving altered states of consciousness as well as successfully astral projecting.

Keep in mind you can combine supplements, teas, the Monroe Institute’s Hemi-Sync Audio Technology(provided below in various forms) and/or other sounds(things like binaural beats) to enhance the likelihood of successfully astral projecting. I have a plethora of astral projection experience, however most of it is using assistance. I personally enjoy putting myself in alignment with individuals that seek to bring this to the masses; instead of gate-keeping (limiting or preventing growth).

Gaia Astral Projection Introduction:

Most Recent Astral Projection Resources

Monroe Institute

  1. **Read Before Using The Gateway Experience** – CIA Reading Room – The Gateway Program

  2. The Gateway Experience (Hemi-Sync Audio Technology) – Verified by the CIA as an effective means to initiate Astral Projection aka Out Of Body Experience

    • Description of the Gateway Experience: Basically there are different exercises to prepare you for and achieve altered states of consciousness. Wave 1 – Discovery < CD3 – 5 – Exploration, Sleep> is where the Out of Body Experience or Astral Projection guided experience starts to unfold; but you need to complete exercises before it to be successful.

    • “Exploration, Sleep is based on the concept that sleep is a natural Gateway into other states of consciousness. It may be that, whether or not we remember, our nonphysical consciousness passes through this Gateway every night. The exercise helps you recall this common, natural process in C-1 when you awake.

      It is important not to hold expectations. Let them go. Relax, Approach the exercise with a playful sense of curiosity and interest. Just as you opened to the wonders of the physical world when you were very young, be open now in the same way to nonphysical experience. You may choose to add to the Affirmation a statement such as, “I am wholly without expectations, and open to all experience that awaits me.” During this exercise, questions such as, “Am I starting to separate?” or “Is this what I’m supposed to be feeling?” interfere with the process. There’s plenty of time to assess your experiences after the exercise. Simply go with what ever happens and remember that you may perceive in many different ways

      The Hemi-Sync® signals fade at the end of the exercise, leaving you in natural sleep.” – Gateway Experience User Manual

    • You need to be persistent, patient, optimistic and in a good mental framework in order to be successful. Even if you are not immediately successful in initiating an Out of Body Experience during the Track 5 – Exploration, Sleep exercise; you will likely experience extremely lucid dreams as a result of completing the exercise (which is a form of astral projection!). Try to look for clues when you’re in dream states; are you seeing individuals who have passed away? do colors you’re experiencing seem not not normal? Maybe it’s time you start practicing reality checks during the day.

  3. Hemi-Sync® Support for Journeys Out of the Body – Technically a more condensed and less in depth version of the Gateway Experience

Here are some free YouTube videos that have meditations from the Monroe Institute that will help you achieve astral projection. The reason why there is such a variety of sources is because it might take trying several techniques to get one that works for you. Additionally, techniques that didn’t work before might be easier after successfully projecting multiple times.

Gateway Voyage Introductory Exercise

Gateway Voyage Open Exercise

Hemi-Sync Guided Meditation for Relaxation

Monroe Institute – Heal and Balance Guided Meditation

Other Astral Projection Resources

Benefits of Out-of-Body Exploration – William Buhlman

How to Perform Astral Projection (Link 3) – Monroe Institute

Remote Viewing/Psychic Ability

***Most important thing; it is illegal to Remote View into someone’s home without their consent. You can get killed for doing that. A lot of the cultures that are irresponsible with Remote Viewing are going to be ethnically cleansed off this planet. Never cut your hair. Do not cut your hair, ever, under any circumstance.

The Galactic Federation are opening official Galactic Federation Detainment, Torture and Processing Centers in the very near future for people who break rules with Astral Projection and psychic ability. The Galactic Federation are going to implement akashic record devices very shortly as well. They are basically alert systems for witches, pedophiles and rapists – they mark people to kill for the Galactic Federation aliens that live among you. Every witch on this planet is going to get beaten, tortured and killed.

A parapsychological skill that allows the “viewer” to receive detailed visual information about events, places and people (regardless of space or time) without physically seeing it. Long hair is required for remote viewing. Never cut your hair. Cutting your hair is a government program.

Advice: Long healthy thick hair and distilled water for men and women. No fluoride, this is a commonwealth government program. At your dentist do not let them use fluoride on you at all; remove sugar and very acidic foods instead. Try erythritol and/or other granulated organic natural sweeteners instead or alter your palette. Read here for more info: 100 Actionable Items – CE5.Network Adequate magnesium. Spiritual hygiene. Make sure your teeth are perfect. Zero sugar; natural carbs. Clean teeth can help psychics incredibly. Your hair and teeth help you connect to the energy fields around you. Without compromising your gums have clean teeth. After you clean your teeth; you sometimes get downloads. Make sure your electrochemical elements and minerals in your body are correct. Do not sleep on a metal bed or a bed with springs inside (if your hair is the key to your intuition, then metal is going to ruin your psychic ability obviously). Your phone, especially 5G and WIFI kills psychic ability. Go into nature away from chemicals, devices, metal, people and everything to really test your psychic ability.

Sugar is a tool to interfere with psychic ability. You guys have zero idea how important it is to remove sugar from your diet. One of the most important things to becoming a good psychic is removing sugar and compounds similar to sugar from your diet. When you do this; your body will actually switch into a different frequency. I don’t do keto; however I don’t eat raw sugar/honey/syrup or anything like that because they are bad for your teeth. Nomadic people; did not have sugar; obviously. Whole foods diet is the best diet for psychic ability. Removing sugar affects how your brain operates as well; sugar is a tool to destroy your brain. Sugar and everything like sugar is extremely toxic for your body.

When you get off of sugar you will appreciate that this is being presented to you. Believe me. You will be much happier and healthier; very quickly. Sugar is the most addictive drug on the planet by far. The most legal drug and the most dangerous drug on the planet is put in all your foods. Women; try this out and you will appreciate this when you get past that sugar addiction wall.

Things to consider: A lot of psychic work is telepathically communicating with your guides and you don’t even realize it. Work on getting the best guides; and you will have access to the best information. The military will never come close to someone who is a very connected person spiritually.

Question you should be asking: Is the reason the United States has contributed so much to the subject of Remote Viewing because of their history with the Galactic Federation. I believe the answer is yes.

Clairvoyant Remote Viewing: The US Sponsored Psychic Spying (

Remote Viewing Techniques / Aliens Seen in the Afterlife | Coast to Coast AM – Russell Targ + Nanci Danison

Remote Viewing Training App – Android

Remote Viewing Training App – iOS

Udemy – Remote Viewing Basics- Turn Intuition into Super Psychic

Ingo Swann – The Father of Remote Viewing

Dr. Jessica Utts, Professor of Statistics at UC Irvine, provides statistical validation and scientific proof of remote viewing

Statistics in Parapsychology with Jessica Utts

Remote Viewing From the Inside Out with Russell Targ

Remote Viewing the Crypto Market with Daz Smith

Engaging in CE5

Engaging in CE5

Developing Intuition

Chief Tells How Your Hair is Your Antenna for Intuition (Leave your hair long)

Decalcifying Your Pineal Gland

Binaural Beats

Making Binaural Beats in Audacity – A Free and Open Source Software

Binaural Beats Generator

Lucid Dreaming

This is a form of astral projection that takes place in alternate dimensions associated with dreaming/afterlife etc. Astral projection is being aware of the exit process so you have context.

Lucid Dreaming Supplements *personally verified*


“Sitting silently in the power of your heart’s energy field.”

I am not going to promote meditation. The vast majority of people promoting meditation use astral projection and remote viewing irresponsibly. What you should be doing is enjoying your own energy field.

This Is How To Transcend the Body with Meditation – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Parallels of long-term meditation and psilocybin use | Roland Griffiths

Singing Bowl Meditation | Relaxation | Healing | stress relief

Videos to Watch

Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell (Full Presentation) | Big Think

How the U.S. Air Force Induced Out-Of-Body Experiences | Big Think

Shirley MacLaine: Extraterrestrials and JFK

Cool Websites

Fractal Foundation – Fractals are SMART: Science, Math and Art!

Important Presentations on the subject of ET’s

E.T. Message – ‘We Are Here To Help You, If You Allow Us’… Paul Hellyer (1923 – 2021) – former Canadian Minister of Defense

Canadian Defense Minister Publicly Acknowledging Alien Beings And UFOS.

Paul Hellyer In-Depth interview on Disclosure

Good Reads

How and Why Sacred Spaces Alter Human Consciousness

Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process by the CIA

Astral Projection Capers – CIA

Fractals in Medicine

Operation Paperclip – secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 Nazi German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.

MIC – Meet the Psychic’s advising your boss’s boss

Ceremonial Experience

Be responsible.

Bear Blend

Resources for Content Creators

Matty McTech’s Websites – Collection of extremely useful websites

Backup: Backup – Collection of extremely useful websites


Disclaimer: I am not endorsing or encouraging the use of psychedelics. However, just so you know there is a reason why psychedelics have become taboo in nature and there has been a strong regulatory push against them in the past and to some degree in the present. They can have extremely life changing and lasting positive affects on psyche. If you do decide to partake you need to go into it as educated as humanly possible and fully understand what you are doing. Another important thing is to always have a positive mental framework; as well as a positive and safe environment; because psychedelics can be gateways to altered states of consciousness.

The Medicinal Mushroom Dispensary – Leading edge of the psilocybe mushroom renaissance in Canada

  • As seen on Vice News, BCTV News, CKNW Radio, and the Huffington Post.

  • Dedicated to the benefits of psilocybe cubensis mushrooms for therapeutic purposes.

  • Founded in July 2019 by Dana Larsen.

Are Entities Encountered on DMT Healing People?

Can Psilocybin Treat Depression? – Rhonda Patrick

Decriminalization and Prison Reform

Decriminalization will help us move to ET disclosure. The Galactic Federation will bring peace and accountability to this world. Technologies from the Galactic Federation will destroy all negative aspects of substance use, end addiction and bring complete healing to this planet.

Decriminalizing people who use drugs in B.C. – Province of British Columbia (

Growing Your Own Hemp, Uses and Buying Seeds to Grow

Growing your own hemp is a great way to have extra materials for smoking and hemp is an extremely useful material for a variety of purposes. Be careful consuming hemp based proteins and hemp hearts because they are very hard to digest; you have to process it a lot before consuming. Hemp doesn’t have the psychoactive components contained within cannabis. If you are growing hemp; make sure to have the seed packages near the plant and label your plants. Because in some states and provinces there are limitations that apply to cannabis.



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