Ending Economy/Government

  1. We are on the verge of a zero-cost society and we need to start preparing for it.
  2. Reduce high dopamine toxic short form content via platforms like Instagram.
  3. Put zero bandwidth into individuals that are not pushing AI adoption, extraterrestrial disclosure or are actually providing resources for you to succeed.
  4. Stop supporting Google.
  5. End cell-phone, TV and entertainment contracts.
  6. Have zero subscriptions if possible.
  7. Don’t use credit cards and do not acquire credit card debt.
  8. The Galactic Federation would like you to reduce contributions to the financial system. AI and Robotics progression is paramount.
  9. If you are making a transaction with someone; what are you actually getting out of it. What can you take away that is tangible and useful to you.
  10. Completely turn off your government unless they are pushing for Extraterrestrial Disclosure. Disclosure or bust; AI/robotics or bust.
  11. Stop supporting any organizations that support LGBQT, wokism or ….
  12. qBittorrent Official Website with NordVPN and Brave Browser. Learn how to save money on the internet. Have a reserved/old computer for your other activities.
  13. Zero alcohol consumption and/or substance use.
  14. Whole foods diet, exercise and eliminate added sugars in your diet.
  15. Recognize the Galactic Federation have people inside all organizations; we are watching a coordinated transfer to a complete Galactic Federation planet.
  16. Zero money is coming out of your pocket unless it is doing something significant for you.
  17. Contribute to Humanoid Robot and AI projects to speed things up. Free and Open Source AI/Robotics is on the horizon. The faster we move to that era the better.
  18. Free and open source software will save you a lot of money.
  19. Be good people and good neighbors.
  20. Prepare for fleets of robots working 247 shifting the definition of government, economy and every other aspect of society shortly.
  21. Recognize people are going to start learning how to do things for the service of humanity without getting paid for it; it is difficult. A lot of people in the disclosure community put out a lot of good information for free. The Galactic Federation work for the service of humanity and do not get paid. Look at people in your life from that perspective.
  22. Grow your own things and food.
  23. The “how much money can I make mindset” is over.
  24. Once we take away money from the equation, false power, false intelligence, contrived status; you will see what remains.
  25. Have what you need; be prepared.
  26. Make everything at home.
  27. Reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle. You have to recycle on your own property.
  28. Before you invest in something via time, energy or money; where is the proof of the claims made. My Agreement with the Galactic Federation of Worlds
  29. Before you buy cool merch or someone’s bullshit; what did they do to actually liberate you or revolutionize your life. Someone put together some business strategy in 2 days from a plan they bought at an MLM meeting doesn’t mean they deserve your money. Now, how far are you in serving humanity.
  30. Those who lived by greed will die by greed. If all you focus on is something that requires someone else to be a slave; there will be negative karma for that. My business model is non-existent therefore this is a higher likelihood I tell you the truth; that doesn’t mean free information is good information.
  31. Recognize everything is becoming Free and Open Source. A Galactic Federation Planet is Free and Open Source. There is going to be zero patent protection very shortly.
  32. A vastly different world is on the horizon months away; innovators will thrive. Write the word innovation down somewhere in your life where you see it 12 times a day. New everything will be emerging shortly. Expect a completely different world; expect the unexpected.